What it is, why to take it, the UNCHARTED difference, & how to consume it.
If you’re reading this you might fall in one of four categories:
- You’re familiar with collagen, you know the benefits, the whole deal, you get it.
- You take collagen but really have no idea why, other than that you’ve heard “it’s good for you”.
- You’ve heard of collagen but haven’t tried it yet.
- You have no idea what collagen is and you’re not quite sure how you landed in this corner of the internet but, hey, you’re here, so might as well keep reading!
Whichever category you are, we hope you get something out of this little blog post.
We’ll start with what collagen is before we dive into how to use UNCHARTED Marine Collagen.
Collagen is the most abundant protein made naturally by the body. It declines as we get older.
Collagen is a protein, consisting of amino acids. Here’s the amino acid breakdown of UNCHARTED Marine Collagen:

Collagen is found in all mammals. Think of it like a scaffold that makes up the connective tissue, joint cartilage, bones, and skin, weaving through organs and blood vessels, and it’s even present at a cellular level.
Did you know? Collagen is derived from the Greek word ‘kolla’ which translates to ‘glue’.
Collagen is literally the glue that holds the body together.
After the age of 35 the body’s natural collagen production declines. This is where collagen supplements come in.

Taking collagen supplements like UNCHARTED Marine Collagen may assist with replenishing the body’s collagen that it’s lost due to getting older.
Taking 5 grams (one scoop) of UNCHARTED daily may support:
Joint cartilage
Skin appearance
Muscle recovery
Hair health
Nail health
Gut health
and more.
SIDE NOTE: Like any dietary supplement, you want to have your lifestyle and diet dialled in for whatever’s best for your body to perform and live at its full potential. This looks different for everyone. Taking collagen has amazing benefits but you’re doing yourself a disservice if you neglect basic things like eating right and having solid lifestyle habits. (Such as making sure you’re getting adequate exposure to sunlight, your sleep is on point, your nervous system is regulated, we could go on … you get the picture.)
Think of collagen as a piece to the puzzle of your wellbeing. Supporting you on your journey.
It’s 2024. There’s definitely no shortage of collagen products, powders and potions online and in stores.
You might have noticed collagen in:
- powder form
- capsule or pill form
- protein bars
- flavoured liquid shots
- as part of a joint supplement
- as part of a beauty supplement
- The list goes on.
At UNCHARTED we said if we’re going to do this, then we need to do it right. We chose to keep things simple. The highest quality, purest collagen, in powder form. Unflavoured. No added ingredients. No vitamins or minerals or herbs. No fillers. Responsibly sourced.
This way, you have a versatile powder you can use in a variety of ways and get more out of it.
(Speaking of fillers. One time we saw a collagen powder that had ‘corn starch’ listed in its ingredients. Not hating on corn starch, it has its place in cooking, (gravy’s gotta thicken somehow) but why on earth would you want that mixed in with your collagen powder? )
Remember the part where we said collagen is found in the skin and bones of mammals? The most common sources of collagen supplements are bovine (cow) or marine (fish). We care about where our food comes from so we care about where our collagen comes from.
We source our collagen from wild-caught fish from the deep, cold waters in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Canada. We opted for marine over bovine because of its greater bioavailability and smaller molecule size. Meaning it’s easier to digest and use by the body.
Our collagen is clinically proven to help the appearance of skin health; read more here.
UNCHARTED Marine Collagen is proven to contain Types I, II, III, and IV collagen. Check this Instagram post for a brief overview about the types of collagen.
We’ve linked info about the 4 types here:

Being unflavoured you might wondering if it tastes fishy? Not to worry. UNCHARTED has a neutral taste when taken in plain water and it’s basically undetectable in beverages like coffee or in food. Although it’s really not possible for something to taste like ‘nothing’, if you know what we mean, we like to think our collagen is palatable no matter which way you have it.
Now that we’ve talked about what it is, why you should take it, the UNCHARTED difference and what it tastes like, let’s talk how to actually consume it.
You can mix it in hot and cold beverages or food. Here’s some ideas:
- Mix in plain water
- Mix in any other drink like coconut water, juice, etc
- Add it to smoothies
- Add to soups
- Mix into your favourite healthy banana bread, pancakes, baking recipes
- Add to porridge/oatmeal
- Put a scoop in your cold brew coffee
- Mix into yogurt
Personally, our favourite way is to add it in our morning BODY CHARGE Coffee. Yep, we love adding it to coffee so much that we found the perfect coffee bean -- single origin, mould-free, Certified Organic -- to go with our collagen.
On our website, right here! We ship free worldwide. Express shipping is available, calculated at checkout.
Or, buy from one of our amazing stockists in Australia.